There is their prayer
On my way back to Jakarta , the plane I was traveling on failed to land due to bad weather. Indeed, that afternoon, it was raining heavily in Jakarta. For that reason, our pilot decided to circle around in the air until visibility improved.
For people who have had a bad experience on a plane, five minutes can feel long and terrifying. However, for small children who are excited because this is their first time flying, the longer they are above the clouds, the more fun it will be for them.
I’m in the first I was calm, but as time went on it became more and more thrilling for me. This mouth is muttering more and more so that the heart becomes calmer.. In the next experiment our pilot finally did a good job landing the plane…Alhamdulillah, thanks God, of course we felt very relieved..
What I thought then was that there must have been a prayer between us, the passengers on this plane, whose prayers were granted by Almighty, the Most Gracious. The most Merciful..
Perhaps this is the prayer of a mother in the front seat who loves her children unconditionally? or the prayer of a father in the middle seat who genuinely provides charity…or, surprisingly, the prayer of a child in the back seat who is just learning how to pray…
Who knows where the prayer was then answered?
This also relates to our daily life.
We never know whose prayer was came from and answered so that we could be where we are now.
Maybe this is a prayer from our parents, teachers, prayers from friends, prayers from a security guard who we always greet warmly every morning, or the prayer of a patient we have treated or equally surprising it turns out to be a prayer from someone we once helped cross the road the other day that we ourselves had forgotten to do.
There must have been a prayer from them that allowed us to be in this position.
Therefore, try to do good..every day, much as possible..sincerely as possible..Then continue for the next second, for the next day..whatever form it takes, whenever it is appropriate…
Until one day when we are tired of praying and we don’t know what to do anymore… at which point, hopefully, their prayers will be there to help us.
It should be.. It could be.
# Halim Perdana Kusuma Airport